
Our design team consists of our creative talent, Ulrich Sattler, and our internal and external designers. In a reciprocal process of work, conceptual designs and new developments are created, which consistently follow our principle of “Nothing gets developed which already exists on the market in the exact same or in a comparable form.”. Following this principle has continuously enabled us to surprise the market with new developments and innovations in the last few years and has helped us to establish our design ideas as an integral part of the lighting industry.


Ulrich Sattler

Michael Schmidt


Jürgen Beckert


Markus Bischof

Alexander Rybol

Jürgen Gaiser

Joerg Krewinkel

Theophil Eichler

Numerous design and innovation prizes awarded to us, including the iF Design Award, the Red Dot Design Award and the Focus Open Award, have validated our line of thinking as well as our work.

SATTLER Webinar – Sonderprojekte

(Sprache: Deutsch)

Sven Sattler persönlich wird Sie bei einer Live-Übertragung im Showroom willkommen heißen und Ihnen realisierte Sonderprojekte präsentieren.


Realisierte Projekte über dem Standard hinaus

Leuchtenkompositionen & Details

Individualisierung nach Kundenwunsch

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