We often underpin a creative lighting design with a rendering or visualisation of the room, as many of our luminaires are not only about the lighting effect but also about the visual design of the room.
lighting design

We see the task of lighting design as being divided into two parts – the (creative) lighting design and the (technical) light calculation. We see lighting design, which is the first step, as a highly creative process. This planning step involves defining the mood for the various areas in the project, and this can only be achieved with the right type of lighting, the right light colour and brightness, and the interplay of light and shadow. We would be happy to support you in your planning or customer project.

3D visualisation

Entrance area Prinzing in East Germany

Team Viewer 3D visualisation

light calculation
As soon as we have created the design lighting concept in the first step, we create a standard-compliant lighting calculation, in particular for the critical areas. The main thing here is to comply with DIN 12464-1, but the workplace directive must also be adhered to. Particularly critical here, for example, are computer workstations.
In addition to many other aspects, particular attention must be paid to ensuring sufficient brightness and avoiding glare. To calculate this, all our luminaires are measured and can then be simulated in the room.
A lighting calculation might look something like this – but don't worry, our in-house lighting designers are on hand to analyse the calculations for you.