Project: Arbeitsgericht Stuttgart (Labour Court)
Lighting design: Studio DL
Photos: bildhübsche fotografie | Andreas Körner
The court building of the Stuttgart Labour Court is located at Johannesstraße 86 in the west of Stuttgart. It was built between 1907 and 1910 by architect Albert Eitel and originally housed the Württemberg Central Agricultural Co-operative and its bank. The Stuttgart Labour Court has been housed in the building since 2005. The building houses one of the few paternoster lifts in Stuttgart. Although it is not open to the public, it can be viewed through a window from the first floor.
As part of the implementation of the E-JUSTICE* regulation and the electronic court file that will be used in future, the new E-JUSTICE lighting system was developed together with SATTLER and successfully installed in the Stuttgart Labour Court based on the lighting concept for judges' chambers created by STUDIO DL.
* E-Justice (part of E-Administration/E-Government) is the European generic term for electronically processed court procedures. This also includes electronic legal transactions (ERV) between courts and administrative authorities on the one hand and party representatives (lawyers, notaries, etc.), citizens and companies on the other. (E-JUSTICE Wikipedia)

The E-JUSTICE luminaire system from SATTLER combines glare-free LED modules for general lighting, wallwashers to minimise contrast in the room and directional spotlights to accentuate the national coat of arms in order to show the judiciary in the right light. Thanks to the integrated track, the lighting elements can be flexibly positioned to suit the room. The product is so variable that differently sized courtrooms can benefit from it without interfering with the fabric of the building. The luminaire system from SATTLER impresses with its minimalist design and elegant surface structure, which harmonises perfectly with any room architecture and can be easily integrated into the existing building fabric.

The individual room control is completely independent of the existing building installation and can save preset scenes via Bluetooth and call them up individually at any time.

General lighting - Interrogation of witness - Viewing of evidence - Further scenes

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